The 3 most important things you can do RIGHT NOW to keep your leads warm according to SalesCandy’s Regional Manager for Banking and Insurance
OK, So you have a lead, they’re interested, then BAM! The sentence no one wants to hear during a sales process. “We’re going to hold off for now”... I think if you’re reading this then I can safely assume you’ve heard this quite a lot recently, I certainly have.
None of us could have predicted our current situation and certainly, none of us wanted it so what can we do to close during this uncertain time and if we can’t close, how do we make sure our pipeline is ready to go as soon as possible after the business world gets back to well, business?
I’m going to do my best to share the 3 things that have always helped me keep leads interested in me even if they’re not quite ready to say yes just yet, and hopefully, it’ll help.
1. Follow up!
This goes without saying but as salespeople, we need to follow up with our leads and this doesn’t mean repeating “Wanted to follow up on my last email?” or “Just wanted to make sure you’re still interested” once a week... Make your follow-ups meaningful.
Do your research and find talking points that focus on the prospect so a follow up turns into a conversation. Work From Home means we have a little extra time on our hands. Use this to your advantage.
Be genuine in your interest in your prospect, build a relationship with them and in turn, they will come to trust you. More often than not this will result in a sale once the dust settles.
2. Get personal!
I HATE EMAIL and let’s be honest so do you and so do your prospects. Get personal with your communication tools.
You spend all day looking at your phone so now is the time to use it as it was intended. Call and IM (e.g Whatsapp) allows for natural conversation rather than disjointed and impersonal communications. It shows you’re interested in the people you’re reaching out to and they’re not just a chore to clear on your CRM.
The more you talk to your prospects the better the relationship and the more likely we are to get that sale!
3. Patience young padawan!
Ever cringed at a screenshot of a chat conversation from someone desperate? “Hello… Hellooo.. Helllooooo”. DON’T BE THAT GUY/GIRL. Good things take time and there is nothing that will turn off a potential customer more than an overzealous salesperson.
My rule of thumb is 2 contact attempts per workweek, any more than that and you’re going to end up with a very annoyed prospect, a gap in your pipeline and if you’re really unlucky… a restraining order.
The bottom line is that unless you’re selling surgical masks we’re all treading a pretty uncertain path right now. However, hopefully with the info above you can make the most of your pipeline and be ready to climb out of this mess on the other side stronger than ever.