Check out these 5 superb ideas for your sales reps training!
Sales training sessions can be a headache. Striking a balance between feedback on mistakes and blindspots, as well as making it entertaining for everyone, can be a huge challenge, to some managers.
But worry not, we’ve prepared these five ideas that will ensure your training becomes effective and compelling for your team!
1. Ongoing assessments on sales pitch and product knowledge
You always need to ensure that your sales team understands the company’s product inside and out. Roleplay is still one of the best ways to see if your sales team’s product knowledge is up to scratch but there are ways to shake this traditional method up.
One game that you can try is called “e-pitch” (elevator pitch) where your sales rep will sell you the product in an extremely short time span.
This exercise not only helps to solidify key selling points but also reveals which part of the sales pitch that they need to pay closer attention to.
Moreover, you should always keep them updated on the new features implemented in the product, so they will take advantage of it for the better selling pitch.
2. Bring up Industry trends to your meeting
Set a rule to regularly share up-to-date industry trends, news, tips, and ideas, especially on effective sales pitching during your team meetings
If something isn’t working, ask your team to share that with you as soon as possible, so all of you can work on it together and improve it.
For this to be effective you need to make sure your team feels comfortable sharing constructive criticism not only about each other but also about you!
3. Put sales reps into the prospects’ shoes
Product knowledge is important, but we all know FAB (Feature, Advantage, Benefit) style selling is outdated and pushing what you think is important may lead to missing out on the customer’s needs and challenges.
Put your sales reps into the shoes of your prospects, listing out Personas, Challenges, Success metrics and anything else needed to flesh out the character.
Look at the buyer from another perspective and play around, placing reps in the shoes of prospects.
This will not only help them to build highly engaging conversation structures but will also lead to better listening.
4. Play around with objection handling exercises
Sales reps receive objections no matter how experienced they are. What matters most is the way those objections are being handled.
List down real life objections your sales team receives, the weirder the better, and produce outstanding responses you can strike back with.
Don’t forget to also monitor how your team responds to those objections - you can include this in other role play sessions or create a session all on its own.
5. Listen to the call records
Sit down together regularly on an individual basis and listen to calls made.
This not only provides you with better insight into your rep’s work it also highlights any issues in a real world situation. It’s only by making mistakes that you learn!
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